an small area of grass and a bush
The proposed location near the TA Centre in Cwmbran (Photo: Cwmbran Life)

A proposal by telecommunications to build a 15-metre tall 5G mast in Cwmbran has been refused by Torfaen Council.

Cignal Infrastructure UK Limited wanted to fit a ‘Phase 8 Monopole’ on a grass verge near the TA Centre on Ty Coch Way. There were four objections, three from the Swansea area and one from Cwmbran. These were summed up in the council report:

  • Adverse impact upon human health
  • Development inappropriate within a residential area
  • The bulky of the cabinets and monopole will give an industrial appearance to the area
  • Why can’t the equipment go on existing masts
  • Why does the mast have to be sited on public land

Council officers refused the application because it would obstruct pedestrians using a nearby “narrow pathway” and cause “people with prams or wheelchairs having to manoeuvre around the mast onto the grass area”.

Cwmbran Community Council had no objection to the proposal. The local Llantarnam councillors did not make any comments.

A decision notice gave the reason for the refusal as: “The proposed mast by virtue of its siting would result in an obstruction of the adopted highway that would undermine the users of the path of a commodious route resulting in a poor design contrary to Policy BW 1 of the adopted Torfaen Local Development Plan (2003-2021).”



