Chatting to Gav in The John Fielding
Chatting to Gav in The John Fielding

Gavin Conway from The Celt Experience was born to do this job. He lives, breathes and dreams about beer. His day typically starts at around 4am when he heads to Caerphilly to the 40 barrel award-winning brewery. When he gets home to Cwmbran he looks after his many home brews.

Yesterday he brought a selection of beers to the John Fielding pub to allow punters to try them out and find out a bit more about how they’re made. This Welsh company exports beers across the world and you can pick up bottles in most of the major supermarkets in the UK.

During this two minute chat on Audioboo I was supping a Celt Bleddyn. Listen by clicking on the link below.

[gigya src=”” flashvars=”” width=”400″ height=”160″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent”]
A commanding IPA balancing bitterness, sweetness and a grapefruit finish An IPA to preside with you and your friends at the dinner table. King Bleddyn, most merciful of all welsh kings. Lived and ruled until 1075 and the number of our original gravity. Pale – Balance – Grapefruit

The Celt Experience is on Facebook.

Gav from The Celt Experience
Gav from The Celt Experience


Watch this video to find out a bit more about Celt Bleddyn.

[vimeo w=400&h=300]

Meet The Brewer in the John Fielding
Meet The Brewer in the John Fielding
The Celt Experience
The Celt Experience
Bronze Crafted Ale from The Celt Experience
Bronze Crafted Ale from The Celt Experience

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