A few hours after sending a text message to a national radio station, Cwmbran’s Mark Hawkins was welcoming top DJ Chris Moyles into his house for a cup of tea.
The bizarre experience started when the Oakfield resident was on a walk yesterday morning. He heard Radio X ask listeners to text in their answers to the Prize Dump Tour where the team drive around the country to deliver a stack of prizes to lucky winners.
Mark told Cwmbran Life: “It was bonkers really as I originally typed the text but didn’t send it straight away as I thought ‘what’s the point?’ I never win anything. Then while listening to the programme they mentioned it again and I thought ‘sod it’ and sent it.”
His name was pulled out at random and he answered a phone call to find Chris Moyles on the line.
“I was very shocked to be honest. I was listening to them while out for a walk and literally walked through the door and the phone rang. I thought ‘no, it can’t be, probably work’, but I recognised his voice straight away.”

He was told the Team X bus was leaving Portsmouth to drive 143 miles to his front door.
A few friends and his “old manager” heard him on the radio and sent congratulatory messages.
“They said they would be here around 2pm to 3pm, so I popped out for breakfast with my mate, then just came back to the house and did a bit of a tidy up. I then answered more texts as people started asking more and realising it was me.”
The green bus parked up in his street and Chris found himself putting on the kettle for Chris and the Radio X team.

He said: “There were a few neighbours outside. Obviously, I was inside for most of the time they were here. Chris did go out and was chatting to them as were the other members of the team. They were all excited too.
“It was fantastic. Honestly, they were all such nice people, really friendly and made you feel so at ease straight away. I made them all a cuppa and just had a chat and took some photos for the show.
“They were here about 45 mins. It is something I will never forget.
“I was home alone as my son has gone to Liverpool University so he was gutted as you can imagine. My mate and his wife popped over to meet them and had a good chat with them and some photos.”

Mark said he was given a huge pile of “awesome stuff” including money, gift cards, a TV, phone, a driving day experience and a hair dryer.
“My family were over the moon obviously and both my sisters are eyeing up the Dyson hair dryer along with several messages I had asking about it too. It’s been a tough few months also as I’ve been off work since February as I’ve had to have a couple of operations. The last one was last week so it came at a great time in fairness.”
It wasn’t the first time Mark had seen Chris Moyles in person.
He said: “I’ve been listening to him since he started the afternoon show back on Radio 1. I just find him funny. Him and Dom [Radio X newsreader Dominic Bryne] are awesome, but the whole team are good fun. I went to Chris’ 90s DJ set in Cardiff a few years ago in Tramshed with my girlfriend at the time. It was a fantastic night. He is just good fun.”