children lying on floor holding a phone and laptop
Photo credit: Electrical Safety First

Applications are now open for a major annual grant scheme which helps those most vulnerable to electrical injuries in their homes.

The 2023 Electrical Safety Fund will provide £250,000 to support dozens of local community projects across the whole of the country that aim to reduce domestic electrical risks.

Around half of all domestic fires in the UK are caused by electricity, with most of those arising from electrical products. Run by leading UK campaigning charity Electrical Safety First, the grants scheme is open to applications from fire and rescue services, trading standards authorities, community safety organisations, schools or other educational institutions, and not-for-profit organisations.

Samuel Terry, Policy and Research Manager at Electrical Safety First, said: “Electrical safety risks have been exacerbated in recent years by several wider factors, including the cost-of-living crisis, rocketing inflation, and rising energy prices. We will fund projects that seek to keep people safe in their homes, with a focus on tackling risks associated with electrical products, increasing the public’s awareness of electrical safety, and promoting changes in behaviour.”

To be eligible for consideration, an application must have a focus on helping to keep people electrically safe and be related to ensuring the safety of electrical products in the home.

Grants of up to £5,000 per organization are available, but larger funding amounts may also be considered up to £10,000 for joint and/or larger projects, which focus on or incorporate a data capture element and require cross-agency working.

The deadline for applications to be completed is 22 October 2023.