Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones, Plaid Cymru's candidate for Torfaen in the 2024 general election

Matthew Jones, Plaid Cymru’s candidate for Torfaen in the 2024 general election, says standing for the UK parliament has been a “really good experience”.

At 2.26am in Pontypool Leisure Centre, about 25 minutes before the result was announced, I asked him for a chat to find out about his campaign in the county.

He was overwhelmingly positive about the experience of standing and chatting to residents across the county about Plaid Cymru’s manifesto.

He said: “I’ve stood in the Senedd election, which is also for me a general election but a UK-wide general election, yes, it’s been really interesting, very positive for me on the doors that I’ve knocked. People have been very welcoming, they’ve been very open to the idea of a positive alternative which is what I’ve been saying to people

“I think the people I’ve talked to. It’s really sort of hit home and I think they’ve appreciated the message and the chance to have someone to stand up for Torfaen really.

“That’s why I’m standing, that the choice I’ve given to people. I’m just really grateful to everyone who’s taken the time to talk to me on the doorstep and to write to me. I’ve had so many emails, that’s probably been the biggest thing, I’ve had thousands of emails to reply to.

“It’s been brilliant. I’ve really enjoyed myself. It’s been great to get out and around Torfaen knocking doors. It’s been a really good experience.”

Torfaen 2024 general election result

Nick Thomas-Symonds, Welsh Labour, won the Torfaen seat in the 2024 General Election.

The full result of this morning’s election count for Torfaen:

  • Welsh Labour- Nick Thomas-Symonds- 15,176
  • Reform UK- Ian Williams- 7,854
  • Welsh Conservative Party- Nathan Edmunds- 5,737
  • Plaid Cymru- Matthew Jones- 2,571
  • The Green Party- Philip Davies- 1,705
  • Welsh Liberal Democrats- Brendan Roberts- 1,644
  • Independent- Lee Dunning- 881
  • Heritage Party- Nikki Brooke- 137