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Matthew Woolfall Jones standing in the Llantarnam Ward election as a Plaid Cymru candidate. Read why he thinks you should vote for him on Thursday 2 February

Matthew Woolfall Jones is standing as a Plaid Cymru candidate and here he writes why he thinks you should vote for him in the Llantarnam Ward election taking place this Thursday.

“My name is Matthew Woolfall Jones and I’m standing in the Llantarnam By-election to represent my fellow residents on Torfaen Council.

“We already have a majority-run Labour Council and Independent representatives. As your Plaid Cymru candidate, I hope to represent something different – a community focused, positive opposition fighting for everyone in Llantarnam.

“I live in Oakfield, and I have worked for over five years as a caseworker in the Welsh Parliament helping people with a wide range of issues, from health to housing, from education to council tax.

“We live in one of the largest and busiest wards in Torfaen, and we need a Councillor that will work for everyone, helping to solve local issues and raise matters directly on your behalf. The council should do all it can to help those who need support, from individuals and families to locally-based businesses and community groups. If elected I will do all that I can to make sure that council resources are used to help those who need it.

“If elected, I’ll work to make sure that universal free primary school meals, which is happening because of Plaid Cymru’s work in the Senedd, continues to be rolled out and that where possible it can be expanded to secondary schools. The policy is already saving young families over £50 a month per child, but I think Torfaen council can do more.

“I want to help all people who live in Llantarnam: young people, older people or those in-between. Individuals, small businesses and community groups – whoever you are and wherever you live in Llantarnam, I’m determined to be an effective councillor for all residents and I hope that you will be able to give me your support.”

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Posted inNews

Matthew Woolfall Jones standing in the Llantarnam Ward election as a Plaid Cymru candidate. Read why he thinks you should vote for him on Thursday 2 February

Matthew Woolfall Jones
Matthew Woolfall Jones