Maxine, Damian and Duncan were asked to answer this question- You should vote for us in the Pontnewydd election because– and this is their answer.
We are standing because people like us are not represented or chosen as candidates by parties. We are ruled by powers that give in to the coalition of minorities that run modern life – Pontnewydd Independents wish to make a stand against this.
We have seven pledges to Pontnewydd voters. They can be viewed at facebook.com/voteindependentpontnewydd
Left, right or centre, these are non-political proposals that you can support if you wish to hit back at the current fad for politicising everything.
Like Labour’s leadership until about 6 years ago, we hold that Torfaen is a comic opera council that needs to be replaced by a competent authority. You can help us all achieve this by voting for people – not parties on May 5th.
Click here to read a full list of all the candidates standing in the Torfaen County Borough Council elections on Thursday 5 May 2022.