a cricket ball

Plans for a new community hub in Ponthir on the site of the cricket club look set to get the go-ahead this week.

Councillors on the planning committee will meet on Thursday to decide on an application for a:

New building to accommodate community hub club, conversion of existing cricket pavilion to changing rooms, Construction of car park , delivery area.

An officer’s report has recommended the application is approved. The application led to 148 comments during the consultation 117 in favour, 30 against and a petition with nine signatures.

One resident said the current club is  “already incredibly loud both Saturday and Sunday” and felt a new development would mean the “noise levels are going to be unbearable.”

The existing cricket pavilion would be converted to changing rooms and a new two-storey community hub measuring 15m x 15m and 6.5m high with solar panels would be built. A new 45-space car park is part of the plan along with electric vehicle charging points and two bicycle storage bays. The report says the site is  used by four senior football teams, nine girls‛ football teams, three senior cricket and potentially six junior teams, and four boules‛ teams.”

The new club would have a terrace on the first floor overlooking the sports pitches.

Photo credit

Photo by Alessandro Bogliari on Unsplash