A section of Cwmbran Drive will have a temporary 30mph speed limit so construction traffic can safely get in and out of the site where they are building a new school.
Maendy Primary School is being rebuilt and expanded to take in more pupils at a cost of £17.1 million. The original plans approved a new permanent entrance road off Maendy Way and one temporary access point off Cwmbran Drive during the school’s construction.
A second temporary route was due to be opened from Mead Lane, a link that connects Porthmawr Road and Wayfield Crescent. But now Asbri Planning has told the council that following a review and listening to the concerns of local residents they believe a second access off Cwmbran Drive is the best option.
Some trees will be removed to allow the two access points and will be replaced with a “more suitable tree/s species”.

The plans have been approved and the access points will be opened and closed at different phases of the project. A planning application and several safety measures will be in place including
- No right turn out of the site
- Bollards along Cwmbran Drive, to stop drivers turning right into the site
- Speed limit reduced to 30mph
- Close of the footpath along Cwmbran Drive
- A traffic marshal
The full details of the plan will be published in a traffic management order.

The Welsh Government is providing £11.9 million towards the cost of the school, with Torfaen County Borough Council putting in £4.9 million for what will be the council’s first low-carbon, energy-efficient school project.
The development will increase the capacity of the school from 231 to 420 places and the nursery from 24 to 30 places.
The current infants’ block was built in 1958 and the two-story junior school was built in 1962.
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