Can you help Suzi, from Coed Eva, who lost her wallet in Cwmbran a few weeks ago? She emailed this message to Cwmbran Life.

“I lost it on or thereabouts, the 6th October. I got a taxi from Cwmbran by the John Fielding Wetherspoons pub to Willins in Coed Eva after visiting Subway. I checked there for it, nothing ๐Ÿ™ )

“It contans my drivers licence, an AA card, a couple of Asda gift cards, my Asda work card, a VW specialist business card, a student bus pass and an implanon card. It doesn’t, thankfully, contain my bank cards. I have contacted everyone I can think of and places I may have lost it but no one has seen it.

“It is a small, pea green, organiser style wallet, leather. My address is on some of the cards as is my email address and website. I’d love to get it back as I can’t really afford to replace the contents as I’m a student and don’t earn much money.”

If you can help please get in touch with Cwmbran Life.

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