illuminated taxi sign

Torfaen Council’s licensing team investigated 33 complaints from members of the public about taxis in six months.

The council’s licensing committee met to discuss the work carried out by the service from October 2021 to March 2022.

The 33 complaints covered a range of issues:

  • Fares charged
  • Incorrect operator signage on private hire vehicles
  • Dangerous driving
  • Allegations of inappropriate behaviour
  • Speeding

The committee’s report didn’t include details about how many complaints were received in each category or any specific information about any of the incidents. Each one was investigated and follow-up action included verbal and written warnings.

Driver had six points on his licence

During this period a driver applied to renew a licence and during the checks it was revealed that they had six penalty points for ‘failure to give information as to identity of driver etc’. The driver was called to the licensing panel and after giving an explanation, the licence was renewed for one year instead of the usual three years.

One driver refused licence

One application was refused by the licensing panel after seeing a conviction that was disclosed on the enhanced DBS certificate.

Photo credit

Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS: