The Civic Centre in Pontypool
Torfaen Council's Civic Centre

Torfaen council officers prosecuted a street trader for not having a licence.

Details of the case were given to councillors by Claire Howells, team manager licensing and trading standards, during last week’s licensing committee meeting. She said he was prosecuted for ‘trading without a consent’. The case was heard in a magistrates court on 28 September 2023. The trader pleaded guilty and was fined £120. This was reduced from £180 for an early plea. He also had to pay £100 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.

Officers from Torfaen Council’s licensing team received six complaints about street traders from April 2023 to the end of June 2023. Councillors heard that four complaints were about unlicensed traders. Officers sent warning letters and one of the traders has now successfully applied for a licence. A complainant was unable to provide information about one trader or the vehicle being used so no further action was taken. The team are continuing to investigate a trader who has previously been given a written warning.