adults playing pickeball
The sports hall at Cwmbran Stadium Credit: Cwmbran Life

Torfaen Pickleball Club held a tournament at Cwmbran Stadium last Sunday.

Cwmbran Life visited the club in 2015 when it was the first (in 2013) to bring pickleball to Wales. John (Shun) Price, club president, said that in the last ten years, the club has grown to over 100 players. The sport is now played across Wales. I was told that in this area they have problems booking enough courts for members to use due to it being so popular.

At the tournament, I chatted to Richard Welsford, club chairman, John and some players about the “explosion” in people who want to play. Richard explained how it’s a “low impact” sport that “everyone” can play.

WATCH the video of Torfaen Pickleball Club

A guide to playing pickleball


When and where can you play pickleball in Torfaen?

Club members play on:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 10am-12noon at Cwmbran Stadium
  • Friday from 7-9pm Cwmbran Stadium
  • Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10am-12noon, (weather permitting) outdoors at Pontypool Park

Beginners’ session

Don’t just turn up at these sessions. Please email [email protected] first to go on the waiting list and check there is space.

  • Beginners sessions are held on Wednesday mornings from 9-10am and on Friday mornings fro 10-11am at Cwmbran Stadium.

More information

Visit the Torfaen Pickleball Club website.

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