Boy running in garden
Oliver being chased by Derek Junior

A Cwmbran family have no need for a guard dog. They have a cockerel who does a pretty good job of keeping a watchful eye on their garden.

Rekekah Williams, from Hollybush,  heard a commotion in her garden and spotted her ten-year-old son being chased by Derek Junior- a cockerel they hatched themselves.  Poor Oliver is seen legging it while screaming at the top of his voice as the speedy cockerel is in hot pursuit.

The clip ends with the schoolboy jumping over a fence in the nick of time.  220,000 people have seen the video and made 5,500 comments on Facebook.

Rebekah said: “We can’t believe it. It’s been shared all over Britain and in New Zealand, Australia and Turkey so far.

“We hatched Derek Junior ourselves but he’s in the naughty adolescent stage and has a pretty bad attitude at the moment. No need for a guard dog with him around!  My son Oliver is lovingly cared for I promise, even if I am laughing and videoing in his ten seconds of need.

“His school has shown it in their online assembly and he now thinks he’s a local superstar. It’s just nice that it is making so many people have a chuckle in times like this. So many people have messaged me to say it’s exactly what they needed at the moment.”

WATCH the clip of Oliver being chased by Derek Junior

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