a teenage boy holds a book
Ieuan holding a copy of his book titled The Fallen: The Dead Rises

A Cwmbran teenager has written his first book and is selling copies to classmates and teachers.

Ieuan Jones, 15, attends Cwmbran High School, and has published The Fallen: The Dead Rises on Amazon.

It’s a zombie apocalypse novel about three friends who “navigate a nightmarish reality” after a “deadly zombie virus” attacks the world.

I visited Ieuan in school to interview him (watch the video below). As I signed in at reception, a member of staff proudly waved her signed copy at me.

He said he has a “massive imagination” and always enjoyed rewriting famous storylines in his own style. This led to the creation of characters and a storyline.

Then he had to do the hard work and get his laptop out to write his story. The year 11 pupils fitted in “ten minute” writing slots when he had some spare time, often after he’d completed homework each day.

This process saw him writing and reviewing his novel until it was complete. He warned his nan before she read her copy about a few “swear words” and “scary” scenes.

But then joked that there are some “emotional scenes” in the book and she hasn’t told him if she’s “cried” at those parts yet.

Matt Simms, headteacher, said the school was very “proud” of Ieuan. He talked about him in a school assembly to help pupils “believe in themselves”.

The young author is already working on his second novel in the series.

Buy a copy of The Fallen: The Dead Rises

Visit this link on Amazon to buy his book.

WATCH Ieuan talk about his book

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