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Nic appears in the video dressed in fancy dress at 35 secs to 45 secs.
He said: “If you look closely you can see my mum at the side of the road gesturing to me to look towards the camera. I was six or seven in the carnival and I’m 60 now! I don’t really have any recollection of the carnival other than I was embarrassed to be holding the hand of the little boy who was with me who I didn’t know. It’s funny the things you remember.
“My dad was a keen cine filmmaker and you are right not many people had cine cameras back then, I’ve no idea what sort of camera it was other than it was 8mm film as opposed to super-8.
“I digitised all my dad’s old cine films and I thought this part was of interest to other people. I was brought up in Cwmbran and lived in Newport for quite a long time but escaped back to Cwmbran ten years ago.”
Nic’s mum passed away two years ago and his dad passed away in 2008.