Rebekah Jones
Rebekah Jones
Rebekah Jones
Rebekah Jones

A mother of two from Cwmbran has graduated with a nursing degree after returning to education to pursue her dream job.

Rebekah Jones was working at Topshop when she decided to go back to college to study Access to Nursing.

Despite being a single mum, Rebekah juggled studying part time at Nash College with caring for her young son Ieuan and daughter Megan, before successfully applying to the University of South Wales.

She said: “I’ve always felt I was born to be a nurse. But I think having my children and a bit more life experience really helped me to take the plunge and go for it.

“Doing a full-time Nursing degree for three years was tough at times, especially as I’ve never been particularly academic, so the idea of essays and coursework was quite daunting.

“But I knew I was better at the practical, hands-on aspect, so I really enjoyed the hospital placements.”

Rebekah carried out three placements at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport and now works there as a staff nurse in elective surgery.

“I couldn’t have done it without the help of my parents – they have all been amazing,” added Rebekah.

“There’s so much support available at the University too, with the lecturers and student advice team making sure you’re on track, so I was able to get through the tough times and come out with a brilliant degree.”

After doing so well at university, Rebekah would encourage other prospective students who are thinking of returning to education.

“My advice to anyone thinking of going into nursing, or studying a bit later in life, to just go for it. It’s hard work at times, but the end result is so worth it. I’ve made some lifelong friends there who feel like family. Definitely follow your dreams!”

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