BAKER Greggs is planning to move one of its shops in Cwmbran shopping centre to a former bank.
The chain, which has more than 2,000 shops and some 20,000 employees across the UK – and which is famed for its hot pastry products such as the steak bake – already has three outlets in Cwmbran Shopping Centre.
But it wants to move its shop at number seven Gwent Square to the larger former Barclays Bank at numbers two to three in the square.

It has said the move will likely create an additional seven jobs, with 13 staff already employed at the unit to be relocated. It will also have an ‘eat in’ area.
The Barclays branch closed in October last year and the former bank has been empty since. In its application to Torfaen Borough Council, for change of use planning permission, Greggs has said its store would improve the area – and provide a healthy lunch option for shoppers.
A statement submitted as part of the application stated: “The proposed Greggs unit will improve the attractiveness of the town centre to both existing and future occupiers by providing an easily accessible and healthy lunching option whilst also providing employment opportunities.”
The building currently has A2 planning permission, for use for financial and professional services, and Greggs is seeking mixed use A1 permission for shops and A3 covering food and drink.
It has said it would be “happy with a condition” the A1/A3 us is “restricted for Greggs’ occupation only” to control operation of the site, and that it reverts to an A1 use if it vacates the property.
The Greggs will between the Lloyds TSB bank and a pawnbrooker.
It’s also planned to add two air conditioning units to the back of the building which will have a silencer and carbon filter to mitigate any noise or odours.
Planning permission is sought for the unit to operate from 6am until 9pm Monday to Saturday, and from 6am until 6pm on Sundays, seven days a week to ensure the needs on the people, particularly employees in the wider area are met.