Nathan ‘Neggy’ Beer is one of Cwmbran’s most well-known characters and one of the UK’s top cage fighters. His next mixed martial arts fight is in October. Click on the Audioboo link below or click here if you can’t see the play button to hear how he is training three times a day to prepare for the bout in Portsmouth. Scroll down to see a photo slideshow of him training tonight at the Torfaen Warriors amateur boxing gym.
At the age of 35 he has a fight record of 13 wins and three losses. Over the years he has won three British titles and one Welsh title.
His Portsmouth fight is on Saturday 13 October in the Mountbatten Centre. Neggy is organising a coach trip. Keep an eye on his Facebook page and Cwmbran Life for details of the trip and how to get tickets.
Click the play button on this audiobook link below or click here to go to the original link.
[gigya src=”http://boos.audioboo.fm/swf/fullsize_player.swf” flashvars=”mp3=http%3A%2F%2Faudioboo.fm%2Fboos%2F905376-interview-with-nathan-neggy-beer-from-cwmbran.mp3%3Fsource%3Dwordpress&mp3Author=benblack&mp3LinkURL=http%3A%2F%2Faudioboo.fm%2Fboos%2F905376-interview-with-nathan-neggy-beer-from-cwmbran&mp3Time=06.36pm+01+Aug+2012&mp3Title=Interview+with+Nathan+%27Neggy%27+Beer+from+Cwmbran” width=”400″ height=”160″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent”]
Here is a video of Neggy’s entrance to the ring when he fought in Portsmouth last year.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YUEzDpSdL4&w=420&h=315]