Brendan Roberts- The Liberal Democrats in Torfaen for the 2024 General Election
Brendan Roberts- The Liberal Democrats in Torfaen for the 2024 General Election Credit: Brendan Roberts

Brendan Roberts is the Liberal Democrats candidate for Torfaen in the 2024 general election.

Prime minister Rishi Sunak announced earlier this week that the country would go to the polls on Thursday 4 July.

The Cwmbran resident said he’s been involved in the Liberal Democrats for several years.

He said: “A lot of talk has been going around about this general election, that Labour is set to get a majority, there might be a hung parliament so Labour will need help from the Liberal Democrats, or even more bizarrely the Liberal Democrats could be the largest opposition party.

“Whatever the result, my focus is on Torfaen and what is happening in Wales. 

“My career has predominantly been in the public and third sector, alongside volunteering with organisations seeking legislative reform. 

“I have been the Welsh Young Liberals Policy Officer since 2020 and so far I have proposed policies relating to care-experienced young people, transport, housing, and disposable vapes. 

Volunteering for Care Cymru

“In addition, I have devoted a lot of time outside of the party volunteering for Voices from Care Cymru. I am on their National Advisory Group and was elected to be on the Board of Trustees. 

“I have played a leading role in talks regarding the Welsh Government’s radical reform agenda, having signed a joint declaration in 2023 with the First Minister of Wales, which sets out proposals to reform the care system in Wales e.g. eliminating profit from the care of looked after children, which is already happening.

“Some of the issues I care about are social justice, devolution, and political reform. 

“I still get annoyed that because the Conservatives have coined HS2 as an England and Wales project we get no Barnett consequential funding. For a start, none of the route comes into Wales, and to add more insult to injury we’ve missed out on money we could use on our own transport projects e.g. South Wales Metro. This is why we need full devolution for all rail projects and infrastructure in Wales. 

Petition for voting systems change

“Political reform and democracy have been short-changed by Labour on all levels. They won’t change the voting system for Westminster elections, the new Senedd voting system is likely to diminish the Liberal Democrats and entirely keep out the Green Party and Reform UK, and when I petitioned Torfaen County Borough Council to change their voting system the local Labour group snubbed me. 

“The last time the Liberal Democrats came at least a decent second in Torfaen was 1987. But the last Police & Crime Commissioner election showed people are resonating with us again. So, if like me you want a fair deal for Torfaen, vote Liberal Democrat.”

During his spare time he said he enjoys being involved in his local community and through the summer plays bowls with Cwmbran Park Bowls Club.

Voter ID needed for general election

This will be the first general election where voters must show ID at the polling stations before being given a ballot paper. A range of documents are accepted. Staff at Torfaen Libraries can help anyone who needs support to apply for a voter authority certificate.

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