A bench in Cwmbran that was painted and decorated with poppies has been vandalised.
Alyson Davies, who lives in Greenmeadow, spent last weekend brightening up the bench on Fairhill. On Saturday ‘Wet Paint’ signs warners passers-by not to sit down but the warm weather meant it was ready to use on Sunday.

Today though many of the poppy transfers that she glued on have been peeled off and are in a pile under the bench. Cwmbran Life contacted Alyson who said: “I just thought the place needed some TLC (tender, loving, care). I asked for permission. CoStar provided the paint. I’m so pleased, really makes Greenmeadow look cared for. Next I’m after planters to go by the benches. I will be painting more benches.”
I asked if she thought the transfers could have come off because of the heat. She said she “super-glued” them to the bench and has the same ones on her car with no problems.
She has also painted a bench next to the nearby Threepenny Bit Hall, the home of CoStar.
The photos below show what the bench on Fairhill looked like when it was finished.