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Torfaen Council investigates complaint that members of the Gypsy and Traveller community were not allowed into a club

Torfaen Council’s licensing and trading standards team has investigated a complaint that a members’ club in the borough refused entry to members of the Gypsy and Traveller community

The complaint was made during January 2022 to March 2022 and is included in a round-up report of the team’s work from October 2021 to March 2022. Members of the community made an allegation that they were not allowed into a club ‘due to their ethnicity’. This then progressed to them being ‘refused membership’ of the club.

The council licensing officer and community cohesion officer carried out a joint investigation with a representative from Gypsies and Traveller Wales. The report says the ‘matter has now been resolved’ and advice and guidance was given to the club and the Gypsy and Traveller community.

13 complaints under the Licensing Act 2003

Councillors on the licensing committee heard about other issues that the team have been working on:

  • Two noise complaints passed to the council’s public health team.
  • Warning letters sent to three premised alleged to be trading out of hours.
  • Information about one allegation of drugs was shared with Gwent Police.
  • The team are still working with a venue that holds a club premises certificate following three complaints that the committee is not following the club rules
  • One premises closed after a joint operation with the Home Office found that three members of staff had no right to work in the UK.
  • Trading Standards and Gwent Police visited two premises following complaints about the sale of alcohol to under 18s. Both venues were given advice and reminded to keep a ‘refusals register’ to show they are challenging customers and run a staff training course. Trading Standards will carry out a test purchasing exercise at both places. This is where someone under 18 attempts to buy alcohol.


Photo credit

Photo by Lukas:

Posted inNews

Torfaen Council investigates complaint that members of the Gypsy and Traveller community were not allowed into a club

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