a town centre square
Gwent Square in Cwmbran town centre

The owners of Cwmbran town centre have applied to Torfaen Council for a licence to be able to allow live entertainment, recorded music, dance performances,  and alcohol to be sold in some of the area’s outdoor spaces.

a town centre square
Monmouth Square in Cwmbran town centre

The application has been made to the council’s licensing team and will cover three areas of the town, Monmouth Square, Gwent Square, and General Rees car park. L&C Investments Ltd has asked to be allowed to do these activities during these days and times:

  • Live music (outdoors): 09:00 – 18:00 Monday to Sunday
  • Recorded music (outdoors): 09:00 – 18:00 Monday to Sunday
  • Performance of dance (outdoors): 09:00 – 18:00 Monday to Sunday
  • Other entertainment similar to live or recorded music or dance performance (outdoors) – 09:00 – 18:00 Monday to Sunday
  • Supply of alcohol (on and off the premises): – 09:00 – 20:00 Monday to Sunday

The applicant has explained the steps it will carry out to achieve the council’s licensing objectives:


1) 24 hour security staff available. SIA trained to door supervision level.

2) Undertake a risk assessment against the licensing objectives.

3) All vendors selling alcohol must hold a personal licence

4) A Challenge 25 Policy will be in place and all vendors must comply with it.

5) 24 hour CCTV Monitoring

6) Actively participate in the PubWatch scheme

7) Proactively engage with the Licensing Authority

8) The Centre has 3 Personal Licence holders

Prevention of crime and disorder

1) CCTV installed throughout the centre and is monitored and recorded 24/7.

2) 24 hour security staffing within the centre. A number of security are CSAS trained by Gwent Police.

3) Designated radio communications between Police, tenants and security

4) PA system installed throughout the centre that can be used for communication 24/7

5) Member of Torfaen and Gwent Community Safety Hub.

6) Member of Cwmbran Business Against Crime (CBAC Partnership)

7) Work in partnership with the Gwent Police Cadro and TCBC Anti-social Behaviour Officer and Community Safety Department

8) A well established working partnership with Gwent Police.

9) Police link between CCTV control room and Police Headquarters.

10) Member of PubWatch.

Public safety

1) 24 hour surveillance with CCTV

2) Security patrolling

3) Direct liaison with Gwent Police via radio link and CCTV Police link

4) PA system available to raise the attention of others

5) Segregation of performance areas when required.

6) Fire Risk Assessments for the premises in place

7) Full major incident management plan in place for premises

8) Security and other centre staff trained in major incident management

9) Full event planning and management risk assessment undertaken prior to events and promotion

10) Full vetting of all vendors, traders, artists etc. undertaken prior to performance or trading

11) All security personnel trained first aiders and SIA licensed to door supervision level

12) Public access defibrillator available on premises

13) 14 first aid at work and defibrillator trained staff

14) Full first aid grab bag including major trauma and acid attack equipment

15) Gwent Police CSAS trained staff security officers.

Prevention of public nuisance

1) CCTV installed throughout the centre and monitored 24/7

2) 24 hour security staffing in the centre

3) Designated radio communication between Police, tenants and security

4) PA system installed throughout the centre that can be used for communication 24/7

5) Member of Torfaen and Gwent Community Safety Hub.

6) Member of Cwmbran Business Against Crime (CBAC Partnership)

7) Work in partnership with the Gwent Police Cadro and TCBC Anti-social Behaviour Officer and Community Safety Department

8) A well established working partnership with Gwent Police.

9) Police link between CCTV control room and Police Headquarters.

10) Member of PubWatch.

11) All events to be closely monitored and action taken to minimise nuisance including closing event or vendors if necessary.

Protection of children from harm

1) Lost child security procedures in place.

2) PA system available.

3) CCTV system and monitoring in place

4) Will operate a Challenge 25 Policy. All vendors will have to comply.

5) Test purchase of alcohol will be undertaken

6) Police liaison via radio and CCTV link to Police Headquarters

7) Security and CSAS trained officers available

Comments on the application can be made to the council’s licensing team before 12 October 2023.