Nant Celyn Primary School pupils at Ty Gwyn Care Home

Nant Celyn Primary School pupils at Ty Gwyn Care Home

Ten pupils from Nant Celyn Primary School visited residents at Ty Gwyn Care Home to hear their memories of World War II.

Liz Evans, from Ty Gwyn Care Home, said: “We were approached by the headmaster one of our local schools to see if we were interested in a visit from some of the children.

“We arranged for a small group of 10 to come to the home for a first visit. The children and the residents enjoyed chatting together about their experiences during the war. The children were interested to learn what it was like during the war and finding out what some of our residents did at that time.”

Nant Celyn Primary School pupils at Ty Gwyn Care Home

“Nant Celyn children are doing a project on WWll and found our residents a goldmine of information. Our residents loved having youngsters who were interested in their lives to talk to.

“The school choir is visiting in December to give us a concert and have afternoon tea. We are currently arranging more visits to our home from the children and visits to the school for some of our residents to see a Christmas play and a spot of tea after.

“We look forward to a rewarding friendship between us.”

Nant Celyn Primary School pupils at Ty Gwyn Care Home

“We received this lovely letter from one of the pupils that visited that day as well as a poem from another

Dear, The Residents Of Ty Gwyn Nursing Home

 Thank-You so much for inviting us to your amazing Home we really enjoyed it there with all the residents. I really liked talking to one lady who used to work on the wings of the airplane and she also said that all the time she used to go and play in the Anderson shelters running in and out of the shelters.

Another lady said that girls were not allowed to play football only boys were allowed to play. A lot of the Residents were really funny. All of them were lovely and kind. But the thing I really like looking at Michael’s badges and the bullet that they found in his rucksack. Overall it was lovely and all of us really enjoyed it. We would all LOVE to come to your care home again and talk some more about a lot more things. Thank you! 

Yours Sincerely


Nant Celyn Primary School pupils at Ty Gwyn Care Home

Nant Celyn Primary School pupils at Ty Gwyn Care Home

Nant Celyn Primary School pupils at Ty Gwyn Care Home



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