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VIDEO: Community Christmas party for all ages at Croesyceiliog School

school pupils sat with an older man and woman
Pupils and guests at the intergenerational event in Croesyceiliog School

A Christmas party was held in Croesyceiliog School earlier this week with guests ranging from toddlers to people who have been enjoying their retirement for many years.

Before the end of the night guests had their hands in the air singing along to some Christmas classics with pupils (see the video below). Pupils served up drinks and sat chatting with older residents on the tables in the school’s drama hall.

The idea for the intergenerational event came from the Torfaen part of the Integrated Wellbeing Networks- an Aneurin Bevan University Health Board project that aims to give ‘everybody the happiest life they can to keep them out of primary care in the future.’ The team wants to build a strong network across Croesyceiliog, Llanyrafon, Llanfrechfa and Ponthir where ‘communities help each other.’

Guests also included people from the Torfaen Community Connectors and Building Resilient Communities.

The school thanked a range of people for helping to organise the event including:

  • Interact Club of Croesyceiliog School for hosted the event.
  • Year 7 choir.
  • Two pupils who sang duets together.
  • GCSE Music and Drama students who performed solos and readings.
  • Year 11 student volunteers who chatted with guests and made sure everyone was well looked after.
  • Henllys Rotary Club for helping with the refreshments.

Join the Torfaen Wellbeing Friends Facebook group and visit Connect Torfaen for more information.

Watch a video of the event

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VIDEO: Community Christmas party for all ages at Croesyceiliog School