A man cleaning his paintbrush

Playworkers and volunteers from Torfaen Play Service have painted a couple of subways in Cwmbran.

The group brightened up the two subways that connect Greenmeadow to Fairwater, crossing under two roads- Byways and Fairhill. They did it to help encourage children and young people to use them as a safer way to walk to and from school every day.

A video featured on Cwmbran Life (see below) a few days but I got in a muddle over who painted the subways. I can now confirm it was Torfaen Play Service and have some photos to show them at work.

Photos of the subways being painted

A woman painting a wall A man painting a wall A man cleaning his paintbrush A woman painting a subway wall A man painting a subway A newly painted subway wall A woman painting a subway

A subway
The subway before it was painted

Two men painting a subway wall

WATCH Come on walk through the new-look subways