A group of young rugby players meet up at Cwmbran RFC every Saturday morning.
The Tiny Crows are the club’s group for children aged from two to five. They play fun games for an hour that all link to skills they would use on the rugby pitch when they are older. It’s all about playing and having a laugh with your friends so lots of running, catching and even some sidestepping.
Parents and carers get involved by encouraing and supporting their children. The grown ups can enjoy a tea or coffee if it rains using the shelter of a small marquee. If the weather is really bad the session is held inside in the club’s hall.

VIDEO: Watch a session of the Tiny Crows
Watch Gareth Sanderson, one of team’s coaches, talk through how each session is run, and see the children enjoy the activities.
Join the Tiny Crows
New members are always welcome. Message the coaches throught the club’s Facebook page.