photo collage of garden with sheds, water butts and planters
Photos from the Torfaen Council planning application

Torfaen Council has approved a planning application for a former children’s play area in Cwmbran to be turned into a sensory garden and community allotment.

The site is behind East Road, The Hwy and South Road in Oakfield. Bron Afon Community Housing own the land and lease it to United Response, a charity whose aim is “to ensure that individuals with learning disabilities, mental or physical support needs have the opportunity to live their lives to the full”

Up to 21 raised bed planters would be installed so those in wheelchairs could take part in gardening, there would also be a 12×5 metre polytunnel, sheds and a fruit cage on site which will be secured with a metal mesh or wooden fence.

In March, Norma Jaggon-Barrett, the charity’s project manager, said: “It’s a disused bit of land and what we want to do is create a community sensory garden with allotments. We will work with the local community to develop the site so it is a beautiful sensory garden and to grow fruit and vegetables that can be given to the local foodbank and also link with the local schools. The people we support with learning disabilities will be able to support the community.”

The three Ward councillors supported the application. Cllr Alan Slade wrote: “One of the striking aspects of the Cwmbran New Town Masterplan, produced in 1951, was that each of the proposed neighbourhoods was to be provided with a generous amount of recreational open space for community benefit and enjoyment. Within the Oakfield & Court Farm neighbourhood there were 4 small parks set aside for children’s play but over the intervening years, two of these parks have been left to deteriorate to the point where they no longer offer any or little benefit to the communities in which they reside. Ever since becoming a Councillor in 2017 it has been my aspiration to restore these neglected sites so that they may fulfil their original purpose.

“The application site is one such site. This development proposal has been the subject of three separate public consultations, each of which was met with substantial support and few detractors.

“The few ‘objections’ that were raised were by residents who were concerned that the site would be improperly managed and maintained in the future. The development of the application site to provide a community allotment and garden not only fulfils part of my aspirations for the community but the proposal sits well with the Well-being Objectives and Intentions of Torfaen County Borough Council as expressed within the County Plan.”

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