The challenge sounded simple. Pick up a pint of beer or half a Pepsi and walk for 1.2 miles around Upper Cwmbran…and don’t spill a drop.
This was the Bush Inn’s Boxing Day challenge and fourteen adults and children took part with plenty more staying behind to cheer everyone back into the pub.

Everyone’s drink was weighed by Chris Harris, the landlord, at the start and then at the end to find the winner.
I decided on a pint of Pride Of Oxford to be my companion. The rain helped and hindered. On one hand it meant my little spills were regularly topped up by the rain dripping off the trees but it also meant it was freezing cold and I felt I could drop my full (ish) pint at any moment.
It was great fun and a good example of the quirky things that pubs do to get their local community together.
The beer winner was Chris Hinchcliffe who crossed the finish line with 20 seconds to spare under the one-hour deadline which proved that going slow is essential to stand a chance of taking the top prize of ten pints.
The Pepsi challenge winner was Mollie Black (my daughter) who won £10.
The pub’s log fire was a welcome sight after the finish and I enjoyed a pint of Old Hooky with some friends who popped in for a drink after walking their dog.