Watch this clip of shoppers in Cwmbran Asda being evacuated after rain came pouring through the roof today.
Click the play button and you can see staff and shoppers using umbrellas inside the store.
Thanks to Mark Rowley for allowing his clip to be used on Cwmbran Life.
New Inn Crew are in attendance at ASDA Cwmbran, flood water has entered the ceiling affecting the electircs and the store evacuated 14:58
— Jennie Griffiths (@GriffithsJECtrl) May 22, 2014
@WhoopAss @BenBlack Photo department.
— Jonathan White (@Boyrevel) May 22, 2014
Here is Roy Jones’ clip of the roundabout by Coed Eva fields and a stranded car.
115 calls now received for flooding in the Cwmbran area but 999 calls do now appear to be slowing down
— Jennie Griffiths (@GriffithsJECtrl) May 22, 2014
Here are some more of your photos. Thanks for sharing.

Free Jacuzzi in cwmbran. Fab now the suns out